Audi Uses VR for a Deep Experiential Dive into the Q5

Posted on by Patty Odell

Audi is using virtual reality to give potential customers and avid fans the exhilarating experience of driving the new Audi Q5 around a sandpit track, designed by the driver.

virtual reality
Just over half of respondents to a survey said their purchase intent was higher from a brand that uses VR.

At the Detroit auto show in 2015,  Audi first offered virtual reality experiences to attendees for any Audi model. With the technology, the opportunities are endless for Audi to configure test drives in various settings, climates or road conditions and to provide deep visual dives into technical designs so consumers can get maximum effect, all with the sounds of the engine humming.

The promotion, called “Sandbox 2.0,” taps cutting edge technology to highlight the benefits and assets of the Q5 in a way that is appealing to digitally-savvy Millennials. Virtual reality is relatively new for Audi and is in sharp contrast to the standard test drive where consumers sign up to drive in circles or around cones. However, with virtual reality, the demand for metrics is still high on the list with measurements like visits to the web site and dealerships.

In a survey last year of 1,300 adults, Geenlight VR found that just over half of respondents reported that their purchase intent was “more likely” from a brand that uses VR. Another 71% said that the use of VR by a brand made them appear more modern.

Numerous brands are testing the technology, including Coca-Cola, Marriott and IKEA. And there are other, more unexpected brands, tapping the technology as well. Sotheby’s is using virtual reality to give people a “lived experience” of four important surrealist works. The auction house is the first to use the technology to translate original paintings into a virtual experience.

The technology is also reshaping B2B marketing at the critical juncture when a customer has made the decision to buy a product, but is debating who to buy it from, you or the competition.

“It’s at this crucial moment where virtual reality can help your product stand out. With virtual reality, your customers can see your product up close and personal to see exactly why it’s superior. It’s like a trade show, a site visit, and a marketing presentation rolled into one,” says Matthias McCoy-Thompson, COO of Agora VR.

For Audi, the plan is to get people revved up about its new Q5 by giving them an unexpected and thrilling experience before even stepping foot into a vehicle. Read the article … 

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