Justworks Refines Online Lead Nurturing With Testing

Posted on by Beth Negus Viveiros

lead nurturing justworks
Creative featuring real people outperformed more conceptual images.

Testing creative and calls to action is helping Justworks improve its online lead nurturing and conversion rates.

Engaging B2B decision makers as early as possible is critical, because much of the decision making process today happens before a prospect ever talks to a salesperson, notes Wayne Silverman, CRO of Business.com, which works with Justworks on its digital strategy.

For Justworks, a SaaS HR benefits technology company, the Justworks.com pricing page is a significant strategic opportunity, because in the brand’s competitive set, it is the only one that publishes pricing.

“It’s a way for us to educate prospects about our core value and differentiate ourselves,” says William Boyle, digital marketing manager for Justworks.

About a year ago, the company tested redesigning the pricing page. Previously, the page design was straightforward with pricing prominently displayed above the fold and the different plans clearly explained. The redesign took a more conceptual approach, showing toy dinosaurs clustered around a computer, looking up what plan was right for them.

It was a big departure, that didn’t pay off. After several weeks of testing, conversion rates dropped and requests for demos went down. Different calls to action were tested, such as a soft “learn more about benefits” button and a more direct “get started” button, with the latter improving conversions by nearly two percent.

Different images were also tested. Justworks has found great success in paid social with creative using photographs of real people, which makes sense for a human resources provider, Boyle notes.

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The illustration used at launch resulted in a 2.4 percent request rate for demos, while the revised page showed a 3.2 demo request rate. “This is excellent, because when we convert these leads, each percentage point adds revenue,” says Boyle. “Always be testing, even when you think you have a good page—not every campaign will convert, but you have to be constantly testing new things.”

“Making sure your website can communicate with your audience is critical,” adds Silverman.  “You need to understand who your audience is and why they come to your website.”

Justworks’ fiscal calendar starts in June, so in late spring, the company needs to drive website traffic and generate as many leads as possible, to fill the pipeline for salespeople. Last year, the company spent 70 percent of its lead gen budget in the first two quarters, but only hit 59 percent of its goal. In the second half, it needed to reduce its cost per lead and hit its goal.

The solution? Recycle qualified leads that hadn’t converted. There were numerous reasons the leads hadn’t converted—perhaps the timing simply wasn’t right, or maybe the contact wasn’t the right decision maker. Regardless, those contacts needed to be reengaged. Internal data was studied to see where the contact were in their buying journey, what was happening in their vertical market, their job titles and what landing pages they had visited.

Leads were then segmented, and different lead nurturing journeys—with content and cadences catering prospect’s specific path—were created.

“The content depended on the persona,” says Boyle, who presented at Connect to Convert in Boston. “Some might be motivated by hard data, and others by case studies, so we have to consistently be looking at data to tweak the experience.”

In the third quarter, 1,900 marketing qualified leads were engaged, with an average of 25 touches. Since the leads had been previously paid for, the efforts cost nothing other than the salespeople’s time. The initiative paid off, with the reengagements accounting for 10 percent of conversions.


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