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How to Use Tumblr for Content Marketing

Tumblr recently made headlines when it was acquired by Yahoo for $1.1 billion. This turned the attention of the content marketing community squarely on the platform, which can be described as part microblogging, part social networking and part animated GIFs, among other things. The site boasted 29.3 million unique visitors in March, according to comScore.…

Facebook’s Twitter Envy: Is Instagram About to Compete With Vine by Getting Into Videos?

Is Facebook getting Twitter envy? Shortly after unveiling its own version of functional hashtags, Facebook is rumored to be working on unveiling video functionality for Instagram, according to TechCrunch. If this turns out to be true, it would mark a new forefront of competition between Facebook and Twitter, as the latter’s Vine video-sharing app grows…

Social Selling: 6 Proven Strategies

By Chandler Galt, social media account manager at Webmarketing123 The heart of sales is social interaction. For decades, sales meant treating a client to lunch or golf and paying for their drinks

The Benefits of Facebook Hashtags for Marketers and Brands

Last week, Facebook officially rolled out functional hashtags to offer more engaging ways for conversations on the social network to be discovered and jumped into. As part of the announcement, the company offered four tips for marketers: –

Google to Claim 56% of Worldwide Mobile Ad Revenue in 2013, Facebook to Claim 13%

According to eMarketer’s first-ever forecast on global digital and mobile ad revenues for major Internet companies, Google is set to nearly double its mobile ad revenue from $4.61 billion last year to $8.85 billion this year. If the company’s forecasts hold true, this would mean Google will claim 56.0 percent of the $15.82 billion in…

Acing Social SEO: A Brand’s Guide to Getting Started on Google+

By Lauren Blecher, social media account manager at Webmarketing123 Social search has arrived. With the release of Facebook's Graph Search, Twitter's keyword targeting in timelines, and LinkedIn's recent search update, the line between SEO and social is blurred at best. This brings us to the realm of social SEO, where Google+ is the oldest player…

How Marketers Can Effectively Use Vine: 20 Helpful Tips and Best Practices

Vine, Twitter’s video-sharing mobile app, gives users a simple and amusing way to capture, edit and share six-second videos. If six seconds sounds like an insufficient amount of time for any kind of meaningful storytelling, just remember what 140-character strings of text have done to the world. For marketers, Vine offers a number of benefits,…

Groupon Aims to Be a Mobile-Commerce Giant, but Is That a Good Idea?

Groupon, which is in the midst of a mini-comeback, is making it known to investors and analysts that it has its eyes on a prize that’s bigger than daily deals: mobile commerce. According to John Pietz at Crain’s Chicago Business, the company is going to highlight this goal at its June 13 annual meeting in…

Infographic: 7 Popular Types of Social Media Fans

ReachLocal, an online marketing company for local businesses, has created an infographic depicting seven popular kinds of social media fans that businesses should know about. The company says understanding these different types of consumers on social media, companies can determine the best type of content to engage them with. Here are the seven types of…

Facebook Simplifies Ad Products by Cutting More Than Half of the 27 Current Units

Facebook has heard marketers’ requests for a simplified lineup of ad products by promising to streamline its current stable of 27 ad units to fewer than half that number in the next six months. “As the services we provide to marketers have grown, so have our new products; while each product may be good on…