Loyalty Marketing
Subaru Roams the Great Outdoors with Unique Events and Promotions
Subaru is melding its love of the great outdoors with REI Outessa events
and a mix of unique promotions. -
Millions of Prizes in Starbucks Virtual Games
Starbucks is hoping to draw in new loyalty members—and provide entertainment and
fun for its loyalists—with a summer-long virtual board game. -
4 Tips to Convert Customers to Brand Advocates
Only 23 percent of customers say they have a ‘relationship’ with a brand, that
leaves the other 77 percent that can be converted to brand advocates. -
7-Eleven Adds 3 Million Loyalty Members with Points Giveaway
7-Eleven is ramping up efforts to drive loyalty membership with a
sweepstakes that gives away a cool million loyalty points. -
Why Luxury Brands Need to Focus on the Human Customer Experience
Only 20% of consumers say they feel special and recognized by a brand representative. Learn how to deliver a human customer experience to motivate shoppers.
Data Driven ROI
Nest Thermostats Turns Old Loyalty Mechanics New Again
Nest is an on-the-rise brand that is differentiating itself by using “informal” loyalty mechanics to engage customers on a more personal level.
Loyalty Marketing
Walgreens Tests Exercise Wearables to Reward Loyal Customers
Working to keep loyalty members loyalty can be a real challenge. Is Walgreens on to something? It’s testing exercise wearables to reward customers?
6 Tips to Improve Loyalty Programs
Successful loyalty programs integrate customer data to provide offers, benefits and communications meaningful to the program member. Here are 6 tips.
Consumers See the Value in Fee-Based Loyalty Programs
Forward-thinking companies are using fee-based membership or loyalty programs to better serve their customers while differentiating themselves from competitors.
Data Driven ROI
My Coke Rewards Turns to Content Marketing
Coca-Cola is bringing its My Coke Rewards program into the modern era using content marketing via social and mobile as opposed to transactional rewards.