Brands that Scored a Super Bowl Social Touchdown

There’s plenty of chatter going on around Sunday’s Super Bowl ads—and plenty of opinions about which ad performed the best, which bombed with viewers, which hit an emotional tone and which made us laugh the loudest.

social listeningFor the marketers behind those expensive ads, social played a huge role in measuring and understanding how viewers really felt about each brand and its Super Bowl spot. Shares, hashtags, tweets, posts and other social commentary tore up the social networks on Sunday, giving community marketing teams using social listening tools real-time, critical insights into what played well, or not, and why, with their audiences. The insights will be put into the “lessons learned” bucket and mined for the next batch of marketing campaigns.

Take Grupo Bimbo for example, which did not have a Super Bowl spot but diligently tracks social conversations. The Mexico-based baked goods company markets Thomas’ and Arnold’s among others and was hearing negative sentiment on social. It had launched a new product Gansito Red Velvet in the U.S. but not in Mexico. Soon Mexican consumers were out in force on social demanding that the new product be available to them too. Within 2 months sales jumped double digits. It’s a social listening success story for sure.

Here’s a look at which ads scored a touchdown on social. Read the article …

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