Articles by Chief Marketer Staff

What Disney & IBM Can Teach Omnichannel Marketers

|  by Gil Larsen

In true omnichannel marketing, brands provide customers with seamless experiences no matter where they go or which device they use. Learn how Disney and IBM made that magic happen.

Ways to Optimize Content Marketing for Ecommerce

|  by Michael Gerard

As ecommerce companies focus on improving their product selection, customer service and supply chain, many of them overlook a key opportunity for differentiation: Content.

5 Tips to Maximize Social Selling

|  by Koka Sexton

The single biggest problem for sales right now is adapting to the new realities of connecting with buyers, and that includes finding the right balance when it comes to social selling.

Using VR to Tell Your Story

|  by John Skolis

Brands are embracing virtual reality (VR) and other types of technology as a way to offer consumers unique, impactful experiences.

Digital Marketing Metrics That Will Uncover Big Growth Opportunities

|  by Natalia Selby

The average digital marketing spend for businesses predicted to reach $118 billion by 2021. But simply knowing the potential value of digital marketing isn’t enough—you must measure marketing metrics and analytical data to determine you’re your marketing ROI.