KFC CMO on CX and its Instagram Football Game Experience

KFC branded game experience
This player is “on fire” as he streaks down the field in the KFC Instagram game experience.

What do you get when you cross lipstick, fried chicken and football? Kevin Hochman, the CMO at KFC U.S. That’s right. His background includes a stint at P&G in the cosmetics division before moving over to KFC to market the largest food brand across the globe.

With that experience in hand, Hochman shares a unique perspective on the challenges he encountered when joining KFC, how the team provides exceptional customer experiences and the new “Colonel Saunder’s Kentucky Fried Football Challenge” Instagram game experience.

Brands are experimenting with Instagram, typically used for pictures, clips and captions, as a channel to launch promotional game experiences. The KFC game from Wieden+Kennedy is comical. Instagrammers select captions to run plays and pass the football on what looks like a U.S. football field. Instagram accounts are tagged allowing players to move to the next stage of the game. The game gives KFC a chance to gain likes and followers and to engage its fan base for lengthy periods of time. Read the article by Steve Olenski at Forbes …

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