Bud Light to You: Let’s be Friends … for at Least 10 Years

Bud Light has ripped up its marketing creative, moving from a campaign-style strategy to a platform-focused strategy. And all the work is around its “Friends” platform.

There were “Friends” spots that ran earlier this year during football championship games, and on Super Bowl Sunday with the return of the brand’s mascot dog Spuds MacKenzie—even if he was a ghost—who hasn’t showed his cute face in quite a while.

Bud Light friends platform
Bud Light Mascot Spuds MacKenzie made a ghostly appearance to launch the brand’s “friends” platform.

However, these quick snaps of brand marketing are just that, quick snaps. Bud Light wants to be friends for the long haul. You know the old Girl Scout song—Make New Friends, but Keep the Old … The brand believes that the Bud Light friends platform will do just that, draw in new of-age beer drinkers while maintaining loyalty among it aging fan base.

This summer, the brand will go out with a full-on activation of the “Between Friends” platform, touching all of its partnerships in sports, music and elsewhere. At retail we might see some packaging changes that are more friendly to groups of friends.

Bud Light Vice President Alexander Lambrecht is on deck in this article from Forbes to explain the strategy behind “Between Friends” and how it plans to keep it rolling into the summer as beer drinking begins its busiest season. Read the article …

The first ad, “Famous Among Friends,” appeared in late January in the run up to the Super Bowl and kicked off the Bud Light friends platform. The ad shows two friends going through life’s ups and downs—running out of gas and attending a ball game in a blizzard—while sharing a cold brew all along the way. Watch the ad:

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