
  • Infographic: 10 Creative Secrets for Social Media Marketing

    Social Metrics Pro, the maker of a social media analytics plugin for WordPress, has created an infographic offering a look at 10 creative secrets to use for social media marketing. With more than 9 in 10 businesses using social media to attract new customers, creativity is the key to standing out from that crowd. Here […]

  • Twitter Evaluates the Quality of Tweets and Will Share That Information With Developers

    Twitter’s API is getting an update that will give developers the opportunity to choose from tweets with “none,” “low,” “medium” and “high” values. This feature, intended to help applications that display tweets from a stream curate high-quality tweets, essentially evaluates tweets. Twitter shares that the “medium” and, eventually, the “high” tweets will “roughly correlate” to […]

  • How to Answer These 5 Questions Businesses Have About Lead Generation

    HubSpot’s recent “Marketing Benchmarks” report, which included responses from more than 7,000 businesses, offered a peek into the minds of B2C and B2B companies, many of whom are looking to Twitter, landing pages, blogs and Facebook for their marketing needs. Here are five questions they are asking about lead generation: 1)

  • Social Media Demographics: Women Are 5 Times as Likely to Use Pinterest as Men

    Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project Omnibus Survey found that 67 percent of Internet users in the U.S. use social networking sites. Women (71 percent) are more likely than men (62 percent) to use these sites. The survey also took a closer look at demographics for the major social media services. Facebook remains […]

  • How Small Businesses Can Start Using Foursquare and Show Users Some Love

    Foursquare has been sending the equivalents of candy hearts, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate and charmingly cheesy greeting cards small-business owners’ way lately. The location-based social network hasn’t been too coy about its desire to be close friends

  • Marketing Automation: First Ask Yourself, ‘Why?’

    By Micky Long, vice president and practice director of lead nurturing, Arketi Group

    The excitement around marketing-automation systems and the extended lead-nurturing activities they enable shows no sign of abating within the B2B community. ExactTarget’s acquisition of marketing-automation provider Pardot and the news that Oracle has completed their acquisition of Eloqua are just two examples of the industry’s response to a significant marketing trend

  • Vimeo Acquires GIF App Echograph, Upping the Ante for Mobile Video Sharing

    Vimeo has acquired Echograph, an iOS app that lets users create animated GIFs, or more specifically cinemagraphs. The deal will bring Echograph’s team into Vimeo’s fold and aim to expand the app to all mobile platforms. Echograph will remain a standalone app but will now be free (it previously sold for $2.99). This appears to […]

  • Top 3 Problems for Mobile Emails: Excessive Scrolling, Poor Layout and Too Much Content

    In Yesmail Interactive’s white paper, “Mobile Email Design: Marketing Fit for the Small Screen,” the company offers an overview of the challenges to designing emails for mobile devices. It also highlights the two tactics that can be used: scalable design and responsive design. Mobile email’s surge According to Yesmail, 36 percent of emails were opened […]

  • Infographic: How to Track Social Media ROI by Tracking People

    KISSmetrics, a Web analytics provider, has put together an infographic showing how businesses can track social media ROI by tracking users. Here are some of the “stops” along the way of the 15-day roadmap the company lays out: –