15 Ways to Bridge Social Commerce and Brick-and-Mortar Stores

A striking 87% of retailers agree that omnichannel is a critical business function, yet only 8% believe they have mastered it, according to a new report from Multichannel Merchant.

social commerceThat enormous gap between importance and execution could be off-putting to consumers who want seamless, consistent experiences and services across all platforms. The Forbes Agency Council took a look at one specific area proven thorny for brick-and-mortar retailers: bridging the gap between social media channels and in-store environments. Some 47 percent of the retailers surveyed in the report have social commerce sites.

The council members offered 15 tips including:

• Replicate the Experience Ensure that the social personality mirrors the in-store personality so as not to confuse both loyal and new customers.

• Be Mysterious Don’t be tempted to turn social media into an online catalog for your retail store. Sure, it’s natural to want to show off all your goods, but a little mystery can go a long way in getting foot traffic to your stores.

• Turn Employees into Social Influencers Put employees that deal directly with customers in the social spotlight through content series around products or tips like what their favorite Valentine’s gift ideas are for men. Customers will be delighted by the content, as well as meeting the employee in store.

The Multichannel Merchant report also found that more than 90% of respondents said they either have an omnichannel strategy or plan to invest in one soon. These tips can help develop a strong strategy when first starting out or fine tuning a social/in-store strategy already in place.

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