
  • 3 Tips for Enhancing Your Social Media Marketing and Generate Leads With Videos

    Businesses that are seeing a dip in the number of new leads they’re raking in should start thinking strategically about conversions again, according to Amy Porterfield at Social Media Examiner. One way to do this is to create videos to boost your social media marketing and create a mini-campaign around it to drive opt-ins. Porterfield […]

  • 5 Possible Mistakes in Your Social Media Reports

    The dirty little secret about the wonderful world of social media data is that at least some of the data you’re collecting, storing and reporting is inaccurate. This is fine, so long as you know where the flaws are, according to Nan Dawkins at Marketing Land. “Understanding where data falls short will help you field […]

  • B2B vs. B2C Lead Generation: What Each Side Can Learn From the Other

    B2B and B2C lead generation have their differences and similarities, but this much is certain: both sides can learn from each other. They each have the same target in their sights (i.e., sales), which means there are tactics that B2B lead generators use that B2C lead generators can tailor for their own needs, and vice […]

  • How to Prequalify Prospects: 5 Questions to Ask

    The process of prequalification is more common than you might think. Getting a mortgage or a job are two major instances where prospects are asked to go through multiple stages to ensure that they’re a good fit for the lender or employer. Potential clients often “interview” businesses whose services or products they’re considering, but businesses […]

  • How Businesses Can Optimize Their Facebook Pages for Graph Search

    When Facebook graph search was announced in mid-January, the Internet was buzzing about the implications for marketers, local businesses, users, brands and others. Now that graph search is available to more users, it’s time to revisit it and discuss the tangible things businesses can do to leverage it. Andrea Vahl, community manager for Social Media […]

  • How Brands Can Effectively Use Vine: Examples and Ideas

    Vine is, apparently, the “next big thing.” This means that many brands are trying their best to be likable, engaging and creative with the six-second videos they post to the app. Marketers and companies in need of some Vine inspiration can look to these 15 brands. Among them are: –

  • YP Had More Than $350 Million in Mobile Ad Revenue in 2012

    YP (aka the new version of the Yellow Pages, as of May 2012) has announced that it raked in more than $350 million in advertising revenue attributable to mobile. Using numbers from IDC (International Data Corporation), YP says this makes it the No. 2 company in the U.S. mobile advertising industry. According to the company’s […]

  • Infographic: Perceptions of the Four Types of Marketing Permission

    Marketing efforts often rely on various forms of permission from consumers. RegReady, a permission-based lead-generation community, conducted a survey of 1,125 consumers and marketers to get a sense of what they think about these four types of permission: –

  • 3 Reasons Why Responsive Design Is Better Than a Separate Mobile Website

    Responsive design, defined by Eloqua as “the practice of creating websites that fluidly respond to deliver the right experience for the right screen size at the right time,” is the new norm when it comes to designing websites that will be friendly for mobile devices. Building a single website that can automatically adapt itself depending […]

  • B2B vs. B2C Lead Generation: The Key Similarities

    A red gummy bear may look and taste different from an orange gummy bear, but after the last chew they’re both delicious treats for your taste buds. In the same vein, B2B lead generation and B2C lead generation have their differences, but at the end of the workday they’re both about acquiring leads and converting […]