Wayfair, Pandora, Diageo Executives Weigh In on 2020 Marketing Opportunities

It’s a new year, which means that predictions about the marketing industry have taken center stage. AdExchanger has added to the conversation with a look at the biggest challenges and opportunities in marketing this year according to brand marketers and media strategy executives from Wayfair, Pandora, Diageo, Ocean Spray, EA and Bayer.

In terms of opportunities, personalization tops the list for Ed Macri, Chief Product and Marketing Officer at Wayfair, but it’s also one of the biggest challenges for marketers, particularly when it comes to integrating different recommendation models across multiple digital channels.

Establishing a consistent brand identity and purpose is paramount for Pandora Americas’ CMO, Charisse Hughes. The good news is that consumers are buying into the experience and lifestyle put forth by that brand promise–but marketers must be hyper vigilant to ensure it remains intact.

Read more in AdExchanger on what’s top of mind for marketers in 2020, including machine learning, ethical standards, data management and the evolution of in-housing.

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