New POM Campaign Pitches to the Worrier in Us All

POM Wonderful has a new campaign that plays on the insight that people often jumpstart healthy habits once they think they might be sick.

A multimillion-dollar, multi-year marketing campaign stars the “Worry Monsters,” fictional, hairy and purple characters that convey doom and gloom and appear to be happiest when their human counterparts are at their most anxious.

Throughout the campaign, the Worry Monsters complain bitterly that their once unhealthy and fretful humans have started making healthier choices, like working out and drinking POM Wonderful.

Five new commercial show the Worry Monsters in humorous scenarios for their humans to fret about, now that they’re living healthier lifestyles that cause them to worry less.

“A health scare can come with stress and constant worrying that begins to feel like you have a companion following you at all times, like your very own Worry Monster,” said Adam Cooper, vice president of marketing, The Wonderful Company. “Consumers are increasingly looking for healthier options, and incorporating the Antioxidant Superpower POM Wonderful into your daily routine is a powerful step toward making healthier choices and getting rid of your Worry Monster.”

Here’s one titled, “Get Rid of Your Worry Monster: Running.”

The campaign, created in house by the Wonderful Agency, runs in broadcast, digital, social, print, a Times Square Billboard and in-store.

For example, on the digital billboard, he Worry Monsters point out to passersby all the amusingly terrifying things they should be worried about as they wander around Times Square. The social media campaign kicks off with a series of “Worrivational Posters,” featuring disquieting proverbs and bad advice that the Worry Monsters hope viewers will take to heart as well as share with those they care about.

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The campaign also includes a one-minute YouTube pre-roll video where one of the monsters appears to interact real-time to point out all the things the viewer should be worrying about at that very moment. A POM bottle next to the “Skip Ad” button encourages people to skip the worry by skipping the commercial, and by drinking POM. The monsters were brought to life with help from Hollywood character design firm Aaron Sims Creative, and monster fabricator Stefaniuk FX Studio.

Watch the “Get Rid of Your Worry Monster: Yoga” video: