Natty Light Activates Art Piece Made of College Diplomas for Debt Relief

With the goal of connecting with consumers safely during the pandemic while also highlighting its college debt relief program, Anheuser-Busch brand Natural Light activated an art piece comprised of 2,600 physical diplomas of real college graduates in New York City’s Grand Central Terminal from Jan. 14-16.

Dubbed the “Da Vinci of Debt,” the installation featured diplomas connected by a network of cables and suspended in mid-air, calling attention to the negative financial impact that college debt creates for students, according to an Event Marketer case study. To further amplify the campaign, the brand also made the art piece visible through an augmented reality lens on Snap.

Cause marketing initiatives have been embraced by scores of brands since the start of the pandemic last year. And, though it’s not a new program for the company, Natty Light is no exception. The Natural Light College Debt Relief program has provided $1 million in debt relief since its launch in 2018. This year, college students have a chance to access funds to pay down their debt by posting on social media, with #NattyStories and #Contest, about what inspires them to attend school.

For more detail on Natural Light’s experiential programs, read on in Event Marketer.