How Marketers Can Use TikTok to Engage Gen Z Consumers

TikTok, the social media app taking the industry by fire, is incredibly popular with Gen Z consumers. According to a recent trend report on Gen Z engagement from agency We’re Magnetic, 41 percent of the app’s approximately 500 million users are between the ages of 16 and 24.

In comparison to Snapchat and Instagram, there is plenty that’s different. For one, it consists mostly of user-generated videos that include music, dancing and lip-synching to tracks, and the videos are often personalized with visual effects, such as filters and augmented-reality lenses. In terms of tone, humor, lightheartedness and authenticity reign above polished, filtered content.

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Given these differences, there are unique ways in which brands should engage with consumers on the platform. One effective way to market to the TikTok user base is through hashtag challenges, according to a recent article in Event Marketer. Chipotle, for instance, recently ran a challenge for Halloween in which participants could snag a free “Boorito” if their videos got enough love. Branded contests that invite users to create content related to a hashtag, often to win prizes, are an effective way for marketers to engage.

Ecommerce is creeping into the app as well. A hashtag challenge “plus” feature, where users can purchase a brand’s goods without leaving the app, adds a shoppable component. Brands can also do takeovers by advertising in the app with still images, GIFs and videos. Above all, user-generated content should be the center of your TikTok marketing campaign. Read on in Event Marketer for examples of how McDonald’s, Kroger and Kind have crafted marketing campaigns with the app.