A&E Network Launches Nationwide Campaign

A&E plans to hit New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Boston and Miami nationwide this month with street teams to promote Biography of the Year.

Characters, known as “Q Marks,”—wearing large red “question marks” atop their head—will be dressed as select Biography of the Year candidates and walk through highly trafficked areas in each city from Dec. 11 to 14.

In addition, A&E will create a living billboard event in Times Square Dec. 9 and 10. Select “Q Marks” will be interviewed on stage. The characters will also venture into the crowd where passersby can have their photo taken with the “celebrities.”

A radio promotion titled “Who Will It Be” will be featured on local stations in the eight target markets. Stations will run trivia contests and encourage listeners to call in when they spot the “Q Marks” on the streets. Callers can win A&E/Biography merchandise and qualify for a grand prize trip for two to NYC.

Direct mail, print ads, television and radio spots support.

Civic Entertainment, New York City, handles the radio promotion.