A Vote for Charlie the Tuna is a Vote for Change

Charlie the Tuna, StarKist’s official spokes-fish, is joining the political fray as the alTUNAtive 2016 Presidential Candidate and the iconic character is searching for a running mate.

Charlie said, his “ideal swimming-mate believes in the same values, like great nutrition and the power of a tasty on-the-go meal, while also speaking to voters that he can’t reach on issues such as having a well-balanced breakfast.”

Charlie the TunaAs Charlie throws his red hat into the presidential race, a mega marketing campaign gets underway. A number of activations include a campaign microsite that will be updated throughout October outlining his platform and beliefs. The site will house attack ads on other proteins, candid photos with past presidents and vice presidential qualities. Social media plays a key role in spreading the message on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

A sweepstakes offers the chance to win free campaign kits so the winner can actively campaign on behalf of Charlie. Social posts, links and giveaways will let fans show their support for the fish. During scheduled Facebook Live events fans can ask Charlie’s spokesperson questions, and Charlie and his campaign manager will post real-time commentary on presidential debates.

“Charlie is in good company as one of America’s most notable brand mascots,” Andy Mecs, Charlie’s campaign manager and director of marketing and innovation at StarKist, says. “We’re optimistic that we’ll find the best VP for Charlie—someone that shares Charlie’s values and someone who can help bring great taste back to America.”

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