How B2B Marketers Can Use CTV and OTT to Connect With Customers

Youtube Advertising BoycottWork-from-home scenarios put in place as a result of the pandemic have challenged B2B marketers’ ability to employ account-based marketing strategies that existed prior to current business realities. With corporate offices going remote and home distractions on the rise, clients and potential customers have become harder to reach and connect with meaningfully.

But according to a column in AdExchanger from Benjamin Goldman, CRO and co-founder of data targeting company 180byTwo, B2B marketers might consider targeting prospects where consumers are spending more of their time: over-the-top and connected TV.

The benefits include creating an interactive experience that can be tracked and measured. Combining CTV advertising with retargeting, such as sending targeted messages to multiple platforms along a buyer’s journey, allows marketers to interact with prospects through a cross-channel approach.

The must-haves for B2B marketers, according to Goldman, are full-funnel attribution and ROAS tracking in order to properly attribute actions like sales, downloads and engagement. They also need to target audiences by job title, device, streaming platform, geolocation, time of day, demographic and more. It’s also important to invest in first-party data in order to create look-alike audiences.

For more on how B2B marketers can use CTV and OTT to enhance their targeting capabilities, read on in AdExchanger.