December 2012 Greatest (PROMO) Hits

Just in case you were tied up in a pile of wrapping paper and ribbon, or deep into a few creamy glasses of bourbon-laced eggnog and didn’t get a chance to read your PROMO Xtra last month, we’ve compiled a list of December’s Top 10 most widely read articles for your New Year enjoyment.

1. Kellogg, Verizon use Gamification to Build Loyalty

2. Marketers Unprepared for CrossChannel Marketing Forrester

3. 3 Ways Brands Can Spread Holiday Cheer on Facebook

4. In Two Months Walgreens Gets 28 Million Loyalty Members

5. UGG VP Marketing on Tom Brady's Impact on the Brand

6. P&G's CMO on Three Key Strategies Mistakes and Anthropologists

7. Mysterious Boxes Make Noteworthy Marketing Tools

8. Four Tips for Structuring Employee Incentive Programs

9. PetSmart Goes to Pinterest to Save Homeless Pets

10. Social Connections Paying off for Brands Study