Content-Based Marketing Strategies in the Era of Third-Party Cookie Deprecation

In light of the looming demise of third-party cookies in 2024, marketers are tapping other tools to learn about their audiences and reach consumers most likely to purchase their products and services. A solid content-based marketing strategy—which entails letting the content show you where to reach customers as opposed to cookies—is emerging as a more viable option for locating and converting high-intent shoppers, according to a column in Multichannel Merchant.

Serving up content to high-intent consumers at the right place and at the right time first requires understanding where to find these shoppers by pinpointing the best traffic sources. For instance, someone who researches a product in detail, compares prices and reads reviews is further along the buyer journey and more likely to complete a purchase than a consumer who finds your product through search. Placing ads on such sites can help reinforce messaging at key moments and potentially influence buyer decisions.

For more insights on content-based marketing strategies in the post-cookie era, read on in Multichannel Merchant.

Photo credit: Hal Gatewood on Unsplash