6 Ways to Light a Fire Under Digital Marketing

Digital marketing budgets are expected to receive a 17% boost this year, digital marketingaccording to Gartner so it might be time to polish up your digital expertise with a few ideas you many not have thought of.

Starting a podcast is one idea. Publishing a book might be another. This author outlines and explains six ideas to jumpstart your digital marketing.

In a related issue, if you’re a chief marketing officer and have been around for awhile—a few gray hairs sprouting—you may not be as well versed in all things digital as those younger employees you may be working with, or even supervising. It all seems to come so naturally to them and there’s probably a handful of reasons why you’re not quite up to speed that you can easily tick off to make your case. However, with spending on digital expected to soar, it’s more important than ever that you take the time to be just as savvy on digital as that new kid down the hall.

Entrepreneur online recommends seven ways you can get up to speed. For example, spend 20 minutes a day exploring. Follow colleagues and other chief marketing officers on Twitter and Instagram to get a quick crash course on what they’re doing and what’s working for them. The author also recommends downloading apps—and using them to experience first hand how they work, what the pluses and minus are that you can adapt to your own apps. And, yes, you will want to surround yourself with young talent well versed in digital and think it’s just fun, not necessarily work.