Study: Last-Touch Ad Attribution Undervalues Facebook by as Much as 30%

If you’re using a last-touch attribution (LTA) model to measure the value of Facebook advertising, you’re undervaluing that channel by as much as 30 percent. This is the major finding of a new study from Kenshoo, “Quantifying the Impact of Multi-Touch Attribution: Spotlight on Facebook,” which analyzed clients’ live campaign performance data across multiple digital…

Internet Display Ad Spending Surges 26% in Q1 2013, but Overall Global Ad Spend Struggles

According to the latest figures from Nielsen’s Global AdView Pulse report, spending on display advertising was strong in the first quarter of 2013. However, the global ad spend picture across industries looks a bit more mixed. Nielsen reports that display Internet advertising saw global spending grow 26.3 percent in the first quarter, with especially strong…

How B2B Companies Can Break Down the Wall Between Marketing and Sales

Whether they’re figurative or literal, walls that stand in between marketing and sales teams can stifle a B2B company’s ability to generate, nurture and close leads, which has implications for the bottom line. According to research from Huthwaite, a sales and marketing performance training firm, nearly 75 percent of B2B companies that define their sales…