The Psychology of Successfully Marketing to Millennials: Infographic

Marketers want Millennials’ loyalty. These 87 million strong 18-to-29 year olds with a digital sixth sense are wired up and looking for brands that get them, their ideologies and passions, and who are actively seeking out their loyalty.

marketing to millennialsThe key to Millennial loyalty is to earn it. This infographic offers plenty of research and analysis on the “psychology of successfully marketing to Millennials” and how they compare to other generations. Millennials are likely the most studied generation to date, yet the data is often varied and sometimes contradictory.

The infographic, from Colloquy, outlines Millennial personas, generational values about media ownership and usage and spending and shopping preferences. There are also details about how brands—Warby Parker, Toms and Uber—market to this group, as well as best practices to use in your own marketing.

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