Three Ways to Incorporate Video Into Your Email Marketing Program

Engaging potential customers through email marketing has its challenges. Consider this: Half of marketers consider email to be one of the top channels for finding ROI-generating leads, according to Chief Marketer’s recent 2020 B2B Marketing Outlook Survey. But engaging targeted prospects is another story, with 57 percent of respondents saying that it’s the biggest challenge to lead generation.

Enter video as an engagement tool, for both B2B and B2C brands. Multichannel Merchant notes that it’s the type of content that inspires the most consumer research. And, with almost all email clients now supporting video, marketers can look for creative ways to integrate video into several touchpoints along the customer journey.

Marketers can use video to engage customers in three ways: add video to automated lifecycle messages during the welcome, post-purchase and lapsed-purchase stages; re-purpose most-liked videos from your social media channels; and use video to tell your brand story through introducing top-rated products. Read on for more details on these video marketing strategies from Multichannel Merchant.

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