Mobile Marketing Strategies: Four Common Mistakes to Avoid

Adobe Mobile Maturity SurveyConsumers spend more time consuming content on their mobile devices than any other type of media, according to a study from eMarketer. And mobile app usage has ballooned during the pandemic. In light of this, it’s critical for marketers to make use of the channel and craft mobile marketing strategies that produce the greatest return on investment. Following are considerations for retail marketers when engaging consumers on their mobile devices, according to an article in Multichannel Merchant.

Think Outside the App

Mobile apps are undoubtedly a key way to engage shoppers, but simply releasing an app won’t cut it. Consumers expect an omnichannel experience that produces a seamless shopping journey. Marketers should include promotion across all channels, including social, store signage, receipts, weekly promotions and others.

Beyond Physical Displays

In-store promotion using physical displays, through shelf positioning and compelling visual signage, remains a key tactic for retail marketers. Go a step further by incorporating mobile devices so that shoppers can use them to navigate the store aisles. Having access to shopping lists and data on purchasing decisions, for instance, can help marketers target consumers right on the mobile devices.

For more tips on mobile marketing strategies, including promoting private label products and prioritizing the user experience, read on in Multichannel Merchant.