How to Use Social Media Monitoring to Drive Business Results

Brand reputation, particularly in these turbulent times, continues to be top of mind for marketing teams. Here’s how social media monitoring can be used to drive business decisions for brands—and how that process changes during a crisis, according to a PRNEWS Q&A with Kristi Daraban, AVP, Social Media, at Nationwide.

Daraban recommends first getting a grasp of your brand’s owned accounts and platforms and reviewing the private and public comments. Outline categories of key stakeholders, such as PR and legal, and decide whether you are comfortable engaging with them or not. She also suggests keeping tabs on branded hashtags and mentions.

When it comes to monitoring the most important content, work on creating queries that pair words or phrases together in order to narrow down results. The goal is to find trends in the results over time and adjust by adding or subtracting words.

A social media monitoring plan can inform business decisions in various cases. For instance, during a campaign launch Nationwide will evaluate sentiment, engagement, comments and volume of conversation—and then quickly optimize the campaign creative, frequency or platform using that knowledge.

During crises in particular, Daraban warns, it’s not just about the volume of comments. It’s also about who is making the comments and the type of risk they could cause. Knowing who your advocates and detractors are ahead of time can help brands understand intent and potential outcomes.

For more on social media monitoring from Daraban, read on in PRNEWS.