How to Create Branded Video that Converts

Did you know that the “Play Button” is the most compelling call to action on the web? That explains why 80% of all Internet traffic will be video by 2019—that’s just 2+ years away.

branded videoLearning how to market with branded video takes planning, a solid strategy, testing and fine-tuned execution and distribution. For example, one important step in the process is, of course, the audience. Understanding your personas is key for all content initiatives, including video. Different stages of the purchase funnel—the top, middle and bottom—have different needs and attention spans and different kinds of video work better at different stages.

Home Depot uses video successfully to educate consumers on all kinds of home-improvement and DIY projects that then lead to viewers coming to its stores to purchase the products and supplies necessary to get the jobs done. Red Bull is another brand with a heavy video portfolio that it uses to entertain Millennials and maintain brand loyalty.

There’s plenty to learn to get branded video marketing right.

Join Jon Spenceley, content & social media manager at Vidyard, in a new webinar, “5 Reasons to Hop on the Video Marketing Bandwagon,” Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 2 PM ET to learn how to send your email click-through rates soaring with personalized video, generate those all-important quality leads, adopt a social retargeting strategy using video and to begin your video marketing journey with content that your customers will truly want to experience and share.

Do you need any more reasons to hop on the video bandwagon?