The 7 Steps to Align Sales and Marketing

By: Highspot
Length: 20 pages
Type: White Paper

There is a strong argument in favor of aligning sales and marketing, and not just from a feel-good human resources standpoint. Aligned sales and marketing teams provide significantly better revenue results with reduced churn. Consider these stats:

Consider these stats:

  • 72 percent of Best-in-Class companies (top 20 percent) provide their sellers with a dynamic library of marketing and sales assets.
  • Highly-aligned organizations achieved an average of 32 percent annual revenue growth. While less well-aligned companies reported an average 7 percent decline in revenue, according to Aberdeen.
  • Cross-functional alignment among sales, marketing and product organizations can help companies achieve up to 15 percent higher profitability.
  • Companies that establish shared marketing and sales responsibilities see clear improvements in their lead acquisition costs. In fact, the average cost per lead for marketers with a formal sales agreement is $24, versus $49 for those without.

That’s just a small sampling of the evidence that points to improved revenue when sales and marketing work with each other instead of against each other. This eBook demonstrates seven simple steps you can start today to align your sales and marketing teams.

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