Five Tips on Building a More Sustainable Event
How the yearly exhibition for the commercial construction industry, “World of Concrete,” pulled off its most sustainable event yet.
What Marketers Need to Know About the Wuhan Coronavirus
Insights on Covid-19 for marketers who depend on face-to-face interactions for business.
SXSW May be Over, but the Takeaways are Still Red Hot
If you didn’t make it to SXSW this year, no need to worry, we have some “Cliff Notes” on what you may have missed.
Choosing the Right Partner for Brand Events
Maximizing the positive impact of your event starts with hiring and communicating properly with the right partners. What’s your brand trying to achieve?
Sports Brand, DryWorld, Forgets to Give Models Pants
Another brand has landed itself in a kettle of controversy over its sponsorship deal.
5 Ways to Improve Battery Power at Events
Nothing can ruin an event for a guest like a dead device battery. And nothing can scupper your experiential plans like losing battery power at events either.
Delta Faucet Brand Manager on Events as Part of the Mix
Adding events such as a mud run to the marketing mix puts Delta Faucets on the map with a new set of potential customers.
FIFA Sponsors Visa and Coke Rethink Deals
FIFA sponsors are rethinking their deals with soccer’s global governing body and at least one, Visa, is thinking about jumping ship.