Articles by Brian Quinton

Customer Loyalty: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

|  by Brian Quinton

Loyalty efforts traditionally provide rich amounts of data on a member’s transactions. Transaction data, however, only reveals what a loyalty program member is currently buying. Transaction data rarely provides insight on what else the member could be buying, the reasons behind the purchase or what differentiates this customer from others.

Brand Tactics: The Scavenger Hunt is On

|  by Brian Quinton

Brands are using scavenger hunts as productive ways to interact with customers, but also as a means to educate people about products or services. Here are some recent examples from Chrysler, Cathay Pacific and Starbucks.

Are Quick Response Codes Overhyped?

|  by Brian Quinton

Welcome to Broker Roundtable, where each week we ask list brokers to give their opinions on issues that matter to the marketing community. This week’s question: Are QR codes overhyped or something mailers should consider using in their campaigns?

Direct. B to B to C in Mix for Tullamore Dew U.S. Effort

|  by Brian Quinton

The world's second-largest Irish whisky is Tullamore Dew, and yet comparatively few Americans have heard of it, favoring instead competitors Jameson's and Bushmills. Importer William Grant & Sons USA is using a mix of retail partner efforts and direct-to-consumer marketing to change that..