Adult Swim & Kia Soul

Best Creative

Adult Swim & Kia Soul
Agency: Turner Broadcasting
Client: Kia

Kia was launching the Soul as a new vehicle in the Spring of 2009. The brand wanted to create awareness and drive people to the Kia Soul website for more information and to dealerships for purchase.

Turner Broadcasting’s Adult Swim online property orchestrated a two-phased, multi-platform promotional campaign using customized tactics across on-air, online, national sweepstakes, social media and PR.

The campaign conveyed that the Kia Soul went “beyond the box.” The message was designed to make the target audience feel that the vehicle would give them adult status but with the ability to personalize it to their own taste. The team partnered with an underground street artist to paint a Soul in a vivid and unique way. The car would then be given away to viewers.

Time-lapsed photography captured Atlanta-based street artist Hense as he covered the new Kia Soul with Adult Swim-inspired street art. The team interviewed the artist about his work and his newest inspiration and housed all of the content on a Kia Soul branded microsite.

During a second phase, viewers were given the chance to enter a national sweepstakes and win the one-of-a-kind Adult Swim edition of the Kia Soul. Co-branded ad media consisted of 15 pre-roll videos and a custom branded content environment built within, including videos, interviews, a photo gallery and a link to the Kia Soul website.

Adult Swim hosted a national sweepstakes online where users could enter their information to win the Adult Swim-themed Kia Soul and could opt-in to receive more information about the vehicle. Adult Swim posted news and photos to its Facebook and Twitter pages and told fans where to find more information and enter the sweepstakes.

The event generated 53,528 impressions over two weeks, 85,500 sweepstakes entries and 9,200 opt-ins for Kia Soul information.

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