6 Tips for Starting Customer Conversations

conversation tipsLooking for ways to start conversations with your best prospects and customers? At LeadsCon Las Vegas this week, Gordon Brott, founder of Gordon Brott Growth Marketing, shared tips for getting your audience talking.

Eyes on the Customer. Your focus should be on your prospect, not on you and your company. “People don’t care about you, they care about themselves,” notes Brott. “And remember that copy should focus on benefits, not features. People don’t want quarter-inch drills, they want quarter-inch holes.”

Avoid corny stock art. Trying to engage prospects and customers on Facebook? Ditch the boring images and test to see what works. The image should catch the reader’s eye, and your text will bring the conversion home, says Brott. Avoid using stock images that look like ads, and avoid stereotypical B2B imagery like people shaking hands or smiling business people. Instead, expand your stock searches for interesting images that will make people wonder what is happening in the photo, and what it means to them.

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Try Facebook Leads Ads. Instead of directing people who click on the ad to your website, Lead Ads allow users to convert them into Facebook by serving them a pop-up form within the platform. But remember this caveat, says Brott: The cost is lower, but because the short form is simpler to fill out, the quality of the leads can slip a bit.

Get Chatty. Prospects will bounce off your site in a hurry if they can’t accomplish what they want to do quickly. Interacting with a chatbot is more satisfying than just filling out a form, he says. On a site he operates, for example, a static form generated 14 responses in a month. A live chat option however, resulted in 412 conversations.

Leverage LinkedIn’s Power. “If you want to generate new business and partnerships, you need to be doing more on LinkedIn,” says Brott. Users of the site will see their reach increase exponentially the more they engage. As users comment and like other users’ posts, those posts will often appear in their feed, increasing the reach of the post far beyond the original writer’s page and followers. “It can be incredibly powerful,” he says.

Expand The Talking Circle. Don’t be afraid to outsource, he says. There may not be enough hours in the day for your team to do everything it wants to accomplish, so expand the team. For example, use outsourcing to call 3,000 old leads and re-confirm their email addresses. Or, take that old list of 750 contacts and supplement it with their LinkedIn profiles, Twitter handles and company phone numbers. “Think about all the things you’d like to do, and have someone else do them.”