5 Ways AI is Affecting Content Marketing

The role of AI in marketing has increased rapidly in the last 5 years. AI-powered marketing is making many marketers work easier by delegating a heavy load to machines while giving marketers the opportunity to refocus their efforts on purely marketing matters, hence, allowing them more time to address any sort of challenge that comes their way. AI is continuously evolving, and with it, marketer’s ability to construct highly insightful campaigns.

artifical intelligence
Source: Pexels.com

Data-driven decision making is the way forward for many organizations to achieve business goals. Research conducted by the MIT Center for Digital Business, revealed that companies that are data-driven had 4 percent higher productivity and almost 6 percent higher profits than the average. This should not come as a surprise since the decisions are made on the basis of verified and empirical data instead of impulsive guesses.

One of the trends these days is the use of AI as well as Machine Language (ML). The key marketing technology platforms make good and effective use of AI and ML algorithms to bring more efficiency and to analyze and evaluate large sets of data. It also helps automate many of the former manual processes.

Ways AI is affecting the content marketing

AI has completely changed the mechanism of content marketing as well as its implication and implementation. Let’s take a look at how AI is altering the content marketing landscape.

1. Personalization
According to Forrester, 40 percent of marketers struggle with personalization, which in itself is a big worry when you consider that consumers today look for customized and unique products and services to fulfill their needs.

Customers want deeper connections with the businesses they are dealing with. AI lets marketers collect, store, analyze and evaluate large quantities of data to come up with a unique and customized solution for their valued customers along with the prospects. AI’s algorithm’s newsfeed analyzes every user’s actions on the website to deliver specific and handpicked content that suits their respective behavior.

According to a study conducted by Gartner, companies that have invested in different kinds of personalization techniques will easily outsell others by 20 percent in 2018.

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2. SEO
RankBrain is Google’s machine learning AI system, and it helps sift through search results to provide the most authentic and relevant websites for the searcher.

Google has a habit of altering its algorithm quite often. Its latest venture is called deep learning—a system designed specifically to boost SEO ranking so that users are better served.

3. Analysis of Data

AI facilitates marketers in using more in depth tools to evaluate their content and build relevant strategies. AI algorithms have become so advanced that soon they will create strategies by making use of billions of tons of data.

4. Automation of Content
One facet of AI is Natural Language Generation, which is set to hit the modern digital world. It uses algorithms specifically created to translate information into human-like language. According to Gartner, around 20 percent of business content will be generated by machines in 2018.

5. Accuracy
Marketers spend hundreds of hours attempting to gain relevant insights into their target audiences. AI helps understand customers deeper and more accurately.

Keys Statistics of AI and content marketing:

• According to Gartner, 30 percent of companies will use AI for at least one of their sales processes by 2020.
• Forrester predicts, by 2020, businesses with data driven teams will grab almost $1.2 trillion from competitors without that culture.
• Netflix saved around $1 billion in lost revenue in the year 2017 by using ML to make customized recommendations, according to Mckinsey.
• Amazon used automation to reduce click-to-ship time by astonishing 225 percent.

The above mentioned stats also signify the fact that these AI trends in marketing technology emphasize the need for companies to augment not just one segment of their organization, but also focus on hiring, training and attracting talent to leverage AI across the department and segments.
Sohail Rupani is a senior SEO strategist  at PNC Digital.