Lenox Group Income Trimmed in Third Quarter

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Collectibles firm The Lenox Group saw its third-quarter revenue rise, spurred largely by two additional months of revenue from its September 2005 Lenox Acquisition, and the purchase of Willitts Designs in March of this year.

Messages Mixed Regarding Holiday Sales

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

(Multichannel Merchant) Forrester Research says that holiday shoppers are pessimistic this year. But BDO Seidman says that chief marketing officers at leading retailers are quite optimistic about the season.

Short Cuts

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

ProspectData Research LLC, Annapolis, MD, has launched and is offering the direct marketing community the ability to conduct customized consumer-controlled surveys or permission-based messages.

Incentive Show Reprised in Event and Virtual Settings

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

The Incentive Show is re-emerging in new formats. VNU is converting the event, which closed its doors after 71 years last month, into a virtual trade show. And Selling Communications, Inc. and Motivation Media are organizing their own trade show for the New York market.