CMS Challenges: Why Your Content Should Be Mobile and Sharable

As comedian George Carlin used to say, your house is just a place to put your stuff. Everybody needs a place to put their stuff.

Even in the digital age of virtual, electronic, online content, you still need a place to put your stuff—and that’s where content management comes in.

Chief Marketer recently talked James Latham, CMO of enterprise content management firm Open Text to get his thoughts about the top trends and issues in content management.

Social Collaboration: Making content sharable for organizations is the number one trend Latham sees relative to CMS. “There is a great productivity benefit,” he notes.

Mobility: Making content effective and valuable on mobile platforms is another key issue. Having content that can be provided immediately, and in a location-based format (when appropriate) is key to insuring interaction with customers and staff.

“In context, it’s so valuable for employees to be able to have data pushed to their iPad, iPhone or Blackberry, rather than having to pull five reports from finance and a ticket report from customer service and the latest sales data from,” he says. “It puts your people in a much better position to be effective in their next conversation with a customer.”

Have a Strategy: Before you spend money on a new content management system, know what your usage patterns are, Latham says. “We see deployments struggle when they don’t have a strategy upfront.”

The Microsoft SharePoint 2010 platform has some CMS capabilities, he says, noting this could lead to a proliferation of SharePoint sites within enterprises. “That could lead to the duplication of content—and that’s the antithesis of good content management.”