Clicks and mortar

Call it a traffic-building U-turn. A brand runs its Web site on kiosks in store aisles to tap store traffic into its site. Get it? Retailers – including car dealers, banks, and apparel stores – can brand their sites and spur eventual online sales. Kiosk Information Systems, Broomfield, CO, introduced E-TV in August. The 28-inch monitors run a Web site continuously, and can host promotions (including loyalty point programs), collect data, and process product orders. Why would anyone want to order online when they’re standing right there in the store? For out-of-stocks, special orders, or just because it’s fun. “The goal is to get people used to ordering online,” so they’ll be more comfortable shopping from home in the future, says a spokeswoman. The equipment costs $4,000 to $6,000 per unit (think six to eight units per store). KIS had no signed contracts at press time. More information: Kiosk Information Systems, 303-466-5471 or