Topsy Allows Marketers and Brands to Search Twitter for Every Tweet Ever Published

If you’re frustrated by Twitter’s limited search functionality, Topsy has a treat for you: The social search and analytics company now enables anyone to see every public tweet ever published. Here’s a look at our Twitter account’s first tweets:

Topsy-DM Confidential-oldest tweets

While it may seem like a fun toy for indulging vain curiosity, this kind of access to tweets can be useful for marketers and brands that have the capacity to do some data mining and analysis. For instance, conversations around certain topics and brand sentiment can be tracked and trended.

Topsy-lead gen tweets

Topsy also offers a “Sentiment Score” for keywords, so long as the searcher is OK with limiting their query to the past hour, day, seven days or 30 days. It also offers insights into 30-day trends for search queries.

Topsy-McCain sentiment

Topsy-McCain trend insights

The enhanced search feature, “Sentiment Score” and trend insights are free for anyone who visits Users who sign up for Topsy Pro get additional goodies, such as discovery tools, metrics and insights.

While it doesn’t offer this kind of “time travel” through archives of public tweets, Twitter does allow users to download their entire archive of tweets, including retweets.

Topsy is a helpful tool for conducting keyword research, especially for content marketing purposes