LinkedIn or Facebook? Where’s the Best Place for Your B2B Group?

Social media is a tricky space for many B2B marketers. You know prospects are socially active, but figuring out where they really want to engage with your brand can be difficult. LinkedIn Groups and Facebook Groups are two options for B2B marketers looking to create a sense of social community. But which is the right choice when deciding where to focus your time and energy?

As John Wieber writes on Social Media Today, both offer unique features and benefits. If you’re considering the number of active users, its no surprise that Facebook comes out on top, with 2.2 billion, versus LinkedIn’ 575 million total users.

“Even if every person who’s ever created a LinkedIn profile logged in at the same time, that would still only be equal to almost just over half the active users of Facebook groups,” Wieber writes.

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LinkedIn is a professional network and thus on the surface more B2B focused. But, he points out, business professionals are still spending more time on Facebook—and are likely more engaged on that platform. This is because Facebook Groups not only offer more ways for users to engage and express themselves, but they also create more visibility for user posts. Facebook sends activity notifications to group members, and shares group posts directly to users’ News Feeds. In contrast, LinkedIn Group members have to manually go to the group itself to seek out new posts.

Where does LinkedIn have the advantage? Group administrative tools. On LinkedIn, applications can be created for pending group members, while Facebook only allows three, short questions. Once a member is accepted on LinkedIn, admins can send members messages and emails. Click here for the complete article.