2012 PRO Award Finalist: redpepper for Kirkland’s

Home decor retailer Kirkland's, which operates approximately 300 stores in 30 states, wanted to encourage interaction with its core demographic (women ages 40 to 55) and its growing audience (women 25 to 35). A Facebook promotion was designed not only to motivate customers to like Kirkland's, but to become brand evangelists.

To take Kirkland's' Facebook page to the next level, redpepper designed the Cha-Ching! promotion using three key elements to make it inviting, engaging, repeatedly playable and measurable. First was a cash-based incentive to attract new fans to the brand where, for every Facebook like that Kirkland's received, a dime was added to the cash register. At the end of the promotion, one Kirkland's fan would win whatever was in the cash register, up to $25,000.
Next, a custom Facebook game with swappable daily prizes was created to keep fans coming back. Fans clicked on the virtual Kirkland's store, received a random gift, and could then swap for an item one of their friends had. At the end of the day, they were entered to win the real version of the virtual product in their possession.

Finally, shopping badges rewarded fans with coupons for playing and drove store visits. The badges, or store coupons, increased incrementally in value the more they played. Facebook ads, real estate on MyKirklands.com and email blasts to Kirkland's subscribers were leveraged to reach new potential customers and drive them to the Kirkland's Facebook page.

The Cha-Ching! promotion became the " fastest-growing retail brand on Facebook the day the promotion was launched, and was the sixth-fastest growing Facebook page in the world. In just 28 days, Cha-Ching! attracted more than 200,000 new Facebook fans and generated 13 million wall posts and nearly 179 million Facebook ad impressions. More than half of the new fans were fully engaged with the game, making Kirkland's customers evangelists—and advertisers—for the brand.