Consumer Packaged Goods Creative Showdown: Slideshow

Check out these six slides of award-winning creative components from The 2013 PRO Awards winning promotional marketing campaigns. All of the pieces, from in-store displays to live events to Facebook content, worked hard for top consumer packaged goods companies by delivering smashing results. Click on the headline to link to the full case study.

Enjoy the show!

ConAgra Foods Operation Slim Jim (TRIS3CT)

The target audience—primarily males 18-24 years old—were encouraged to “Drop the troops a line, we’ll drop them a Slim Jim.” Consumers could log on to or the brand’s Facebook page and enter their name, city, and a message to be printed on a Slim Jim wrapper.

Operation Slim JimA few of the 1 million Slim Jims the company sent to troops worldwide.

operation slim jimFacebook played a huge role in the campaign.

operation slim jim