Three Takeaways From HBO’s Virtual Experience Promoting ‘The Flight Attendant’

2020 necessitated extra innovation and creativity from brands when engaging with homebound consumers. Since virtual activations—for the time being—will continue, here are three takeaways from HBO’s recent “coffee-ology” experience staged to promote its new thriller, “The Flight Attendant,” according to CM sister pub, Event Marketer.

The theme of the series—think murder mystery and global espionage—was interwoven throughout the event, from the “luggage” attendees were instructed to bring to the coffee experience (milk, ice and a kettle, to name a few items) and ingredients from tasting kits mailed to participants’ homes. Following are the strategies that made the experience both memorable and a resounding success.

Pre-Event Host

While the event’s engaging storyline was ushered forward by a charming coffee expert, Aran Sael, a pre-event host was enlisted by the brand to help attendees with any technical issues, remind people to perform certain tasks at the right times and muting attendees’ when necessary.

Embrace Edutainment

Sael’s knowledge of global coffee trends and coffee-making techniques was impressive. But he also filled lulls in the action with personal stories and even did tea leaf-style readings of attendees’ empty coffee cups, which added a surprise and delight component.

Consider a Twist

The series’ murder mystery theme shown through when the host himself—mid-instruction—was suddenly “attacked” by a woman clad in black. And adding to the terrifying scene, three more attendees—planted by the network to add theatricality—were dragged away from their screens as well.

For a deep dive into the experience, read more in Event Marketer.