

  • Magic Potion

    TOP-NOTCH WEB SITE CONTENT IS LIKE HAVING JUST THE right necklace to go with an outfit. Terrific…if you can find it when you need it. is

  • Best Foot Forward

    The Internet can sell in a lot of categories, but it has one Achilles’ heel: It often comes up short in selling highly personalized products that demand

  • Fruit of the Vine for Sale Online

    WINE.COM’S BUSINESS IS built on a product requiring slow growth and constant nurturing. But in recent years its sales have looked less like a tender grape

  • Huggies Has Pregnancy Covered

    Kimberly-Clark has a new relationship Web site that’s designed to get its Huggies brand name in front of expectant mothers long before they have to make

  • A Measure of Satisfaction

    What’s the Web worth to your company? Many marketers that sell through the Internet can rattle off their online sales. But is revenue alone the true measure

  • Chella Chases Abandoned Carts

    Chella Professional Skin Care began selling its anti-aging solution on the Web in December 2003, about three months after the company itself was founded.

  • Pfaltzgraff Sets a Custom Table

    TASTES IN HOME DCOR and entertaining are changing, becoming more eclectic and informal than ever. While Pfaltzgraff founded in 1811 and one of the oldest