Magic Potion
TOP-NOTCH WEB SITE CONTENT IS LIKE HAVING JUST THE right necklace to go with an outfit. Terrific…if you can find it when you need it. is
Best Foot Forward
The Internet can sell in a lot of categories, but it has one Achilles’ heel: It often comes up short in selling highly personalized products that demand
Fruit of the Vine for Sale Online
WINE.COM’S BUSINESS IS built on a product requiring slow growth and constant nurturing. But in recent years its sales have looked less like a tender grape
Huggies Has Pregnancy Covered
Kimberly-Clark has a new relationship Web site that’s designed to get its Huggies brand name in front of expectant mothers long before they have to make
A Measure of Satisfaction
What’s the Web worth to your company? Many marketers that sell through the Internet can rattle off their online sales. But is revenue alone the true measure
Chella Chases Abandoned Carts
Chella Professional Skin Care began selling its anti-aging solution on the Web in December 2003, about three months after the company itself was founded.
Pfaltzgraff Sets a Custom Table
TASTES IN HOME DCOR and entertaining are changing, becoming more eclectic and informal than ever. While Pfaltzgraff founded in 1811 and one of the oldest