Chief Marketer Listline March 7

Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. The criteria for selection for Chief Marketer Listline is:

  • New list to market in past 7 days
  • Exclusive to list manager
  • Data card quality score 85 or higher on NextMark
  • Data card publicly available online

This food catalog features specialty meats, cheeses and other food gifts; buyers have an average household income of $75,000+.
Universe: 63,673
Price: $110/M
Selections: $150+, $100+, $75+, $50+ buyers; city; gender; SCF/State/Zip
Contact: Infinite Media, Becky Santaniello, [email protected], (914) 949-1547 ext 129

Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply Buyers
Peaceful Valley offers certified organic farming and gardening supplies.
Universe: 75,386
Price: $110/M
Selections: $100+, $75+, $50+, $25+ buyers; gender; product range; SCF/State/Zip
Contact: Chilcutt Direct Marketing, Jane McCoy, [email protected], (405) 726-8780

Sahalie Blow-In
Sahalie offers clothing, footwear and accessories for men and women that feature organic materials and sustainable product alternatives.
Universe: 8,914,000
Price: $35/M
Selections: Accessories, apparel, footwear, hobbies
Contact: PlusMedia, Sandra Roscoe, [email protected], (203)448-4810

Trust For Public Land
Donors support this nonprofit, which was founded in 1972 as the only national land conservation organization founded specifically to protect land for people.
Universe: 21,295
Price: Exchange only
Contact: Key Acquisition Partners, Suzanne Forman, [email protected], (239) 263-9314

Haymarket Media Business Masterfile
This file features decision makers in a variety of industries, including IT security, healthcare, marketing and PR.
Universe: 738,371
Price: $140/M
Selections: Geo, industry, title, # of employees
Contact: Infogroup, Bart Piccirillo, [email protected], (402) 836-6283

Casey McClay is a client success director at NextMark.