Articles by

Clickbooth Presents: CB’s 90 Days of Summer Contest!

Between June 21st and September 20th, 2012 Clickbooth will be holding it's first ever 90 Days of Summer Contest open to all new and existing publishers. We're set to give out tons of different prizes ranging from the Kindle Fire all the way up to a $20,000 Oasis Cruise VIP Package for 4! The goal…

The New Edu

Of the many lead generation verticals, one probably takes top honors with regards to lifetime overall spend - the education industry. The sector is anything but new. For-profit education as a whole has existed since 1636. That is the year when Harvard...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

More on the Affiliate Brain Drain

The failure of the big cpa networks can absolutely be summarized as a financial fiasco. It can also be summarized as an unfortunate, but natural consequence of an industry that became too reliant on high risk...

29% of Businesses Have Increased Email Subscribers via Mobile Marketing

A recent StrongMail survey conducted with Zoomerang in April took the pulse of 802 business leaders regarding "mobile marketing adoption, budgets, techniques, challenges, benefits and integration with other channels." Among the findings is that nearly 3 out of 10 businesses have been able to increase...