Align With Sales for Account Based Marketing Success

Posted on by Beth Negus Viveiros

Want to get started in account based marketing? Make sure your sales and marketing are aligned about which accounts are your top accounts and why.

“When sales and marketing are aligned, the business case is a no brainer,” says Lauren Goldstein, vice president, strategy & partnerships, Babcock & Jenkins. “As an agency, we ourselves have been practicing this for years.”

Goldstein will moderate the session “Account Based Marketing—Is It For You?” at B2B LeadsCon, Aug. 22-24 at the New York Hilton. Attendees will discover ways to create the business case for ABM, how to leverage the right tech to enable ABM, ideas for creating content that will engage and convert the right prospects and best practices from leading B2B brands.

Many B2B companies get intimidates about what ABM actually is, she notes. “They think that it’s a formal protocol, and it isn’t. Be pragmatic. Whether you want to reach new prospects or leads already in your database, once you determine who are the top accounts and what you can do to get them into a sales conversation, it becomes less intimidating.”

The process that sales uses to determine which are the top accounts can have a high level of subjectivity, because it might be based on things like whether a company is in the Fortune 500, or if they have friends there, she says.

“Predictive analytics allows you to create a real customer profile based on data points, rather than subjective factors,” Goldstein notes. “These might be based on industry, region, technologies installed, the types of jobs they recruit for or other things.”

Be relevant based on the pain points your audience is trying to solve, she says. “Identify your key accounts and spend time getting insights from those buyers. Understand the decision makers and thought leaders in the space.”

To learn more, attend B2B LeadsCon, Aug. 22-24 in New York.




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