For businesses that sell things, open and click-through rates are fine email marketing metrics to use but it’s time to go beyond that to what actually matters: revenue. Here are six email revenue metrics to help you gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and make a case for a sturdy budget:
1) campaign revenue: appropriate tagging and, if possible, attributing offline sales are key here
2) return on investment (ROI): this is the classic marketing metric that can lead to big numbers
3) return on marketing investment (ROMI): this might be preferable to ROI and can be reported by saying, “For every marketing dollar spent, we generated $X”
4) revenue per email (RPE): this can be used to make the case for more investment in list growth
5) cost per subscriber: this indicates the cost to acquire each new email address, but close analysis of results is encouraged
6) revenue per email (overall): see how this compares with channels like PPC, social, display, affiliate, etc.