You Worked Hard. You Got Results. Now Get the Recognition You Deserve.

1PRO_Awards_Ad_EARLY_180x150px_May30Last year, the PRO Awards entries once again exceeded expectations. It is a distinguished collection of promotional campaigns that sets a powerful example of how agencies and brands capture consumer interest by developing exemplary creative and intriguing messaging that work hard as powerful sales tools.

These winning promotions are heralded as among the best in the world. Their creators and their work are honored through editorial articles and become a permanent staple in the annual PROMO Sourcebook that both brand marketers and agencies alike keep on hand as a reference.

This year will be no exception with winners and finalists honored through profiles both online and in print, as well as in the 2014 PROMO Sourcebook.

Take a look back at last year’s winners and finalists and be inspired to enter your own work! You’ve worked hard. You got results. Now get the recognition you deserve.

The call for entries for the 2013 Pro Awards ends May 30. Visit to start your entry today.