Retail Retargeting in Email on the Rise

Both online and brick-and-mortar retailers are increasingly using email to engage and re-engage customers at various points in their buying cycles.

Brick-and-mortar retailers are looking at the digital lifecycle and online interactions, and using email in-store, notes Ryan Hofmann, director, retail industry solutions, Responsys.

“Retailers are giving store associates tablets and smartphones to engage customers in store with browsing-related messaging,” he notes. “As a retailer, if I’m smart, I’m picking up on someone browsing the shoe display in my store. If they didn’t buy the shoe, I can leverage that in-store behavior to create a targeted and personalized communication.”

Messaging is also becoming more targeted to retail customers’ lifecycles with the brand, he says. For example, if a store wants to send a 25% offer, it can position it in different ways to connect with different segments. New customers might get an “Exclusive offer for new customers” pitch, while at risk/lapsed names would receive “Don’t miss out—come back now” messaging.

“And with dormant or inactive names, remember that this is the group where you can try anything to get them to become more active—test anything here, because anything positive that happens is a win,” says Hofmann. “The more you send automated lifecycle campaigns, the more you’ll see how they can add value.