Looking for B2B Customers? See a Doctor

Doctor working on a virtual screen. medical technology concept. pulseWhere are you putting your B2B budget, time and energy for the rest of the year? You might want to consider checking in with a doctor or two.

Forbes.com recently looked at five booming sectors B2B marketers should consider when looking for new places to focus energy and budget this year, and the medical sector is a significant target audience.

Not surprisingly, augmented reality and virtual reality were high on the list for where to allot budget dollars for the way they can help brands immerse potential customers in an experience with their product or service. Content marketing also ranked high as a place to invest, which is no surprise to B2B marketers who are already investing considerable dollars in crafting quality content to engage prospects.

The strides being made in preventative medicine make biotechnology another key area for B2B focus, reported Forbes. In addition to entrepreneurs, scientists and doctors see potential for profit as well. Blood analysis tool provider Ixcela recently moved into B2B by offering services to organizations for annual checkups of their employees.

Another opportunity in the medical world is a little more unconventional but definitely in a growth cycle. B2B vendors should look at the world of medical marijuana, suggested Forbes. Companies marketing the drug need support services that B2B companies can provide, such as transportation, software solutions and financial services.

Indeed, many of the biggest cannabis opportunities are tech related, such as online platforms for retailers, wholesales and distributors to share information, noted Eric Pike, founder, CBD Natural Solutions. “[When they know] inventory in real time, they can open select products to the public medical cannabis community and sell them at discounted prices when necessary, to keep inventory flowing optimally.”

The medical arena in general is a healthy area for B2B marketers to consider, with over 847,000 active physicians in the United States. In our recent Most Wanted series on the top demographic segments to target in 2017, Sherry Chiger noted that not only are doctors a purchasing target themselves but they also influence their patients’ decisions as well.

“In addition to any regimen that a doctor can prescribe, there’s an exercise and diet component. It’s important for physicians to know what’s new to help their patients live healthier and happier lives,” said Brian Lefkowitz, executive vice president/executive creative director for Philadelphia-based marketing company Digitas Health LifeBrands and Publicis LifeBrands Medicus.

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