Infographic: Why and How to Organize Webinars for Lead Generation

Unbounce, a company that helps marketers create, publish and test landing pages, shares an infographic from ClickMeeting that examines the use of webinars. Before diving into the visuals, Unbounce offers five reasons why companies should use webinars for lead generation:

1) strong intent

2) more information than most forms of lead gen

3) they’re free

4) partnerships

5) no geographical limitations

The company also shares five ways to improve the use of webinars for lead gen:

1) show the registrant count

2) urgency

3) know what comes next

4) share free content

5) follow up

Interestingly enough, we recently featured the input of some experts on what marketers have to do when using webinars for lead generation.

According to ClickMeeting the average webinar has 28 participants and two presenters and lasts 65 minutes. The most popular days for webinars are Tuesday and Wednesday. The company also offers a suggested time line for inviting participants and promoting the webinar.

Here’s ClickMeeting’s full infographic about webinars:

ClickMeeting - webinar infographic